Friday, March 23, 2012

Using plastic bottles to make prints

OK, so I got this idea from Pinterest.  I tried to go back and find it again but couldn't.  I guess I must not of pinned it or liked it.  Anyways, we used some different paints to do this: the cornstarch paint I made a few days ago and some finger paints I had laying around.

Here is some red paint I put in the bowl (I had just added some blue paint to make purple).  We dipped the plastic bottle into the paint to make the flowers.  Alex used her finger to paint the middle of the flower because the middle part didn't show up for her.
We made quite a few and had a lot of fun doing it.  Hope you get some cute ideas to do from reading this.


  1. Cute idea! That gives me ideas if and when I teach kids again. :)

  2. Thanks, I think it's really cute and Alex had a fun time with this!
